SYSTEMS – Vertex |
The Antenna is an 11.1
Meter KPC C Band, Cassegrain Tx 5.85 - 6.425 |
It has the
servo interface kit with drive motors, limit switches, bracketry, conduits and
cables. It has an environmental hub package with no heater. It has a Tx Axis Crossover Waveguide Kit for the LP Feed with dual
runs. It has full ladder and platform kit. This antenna is brand new. We took
delivery of it in March 2002, and it is stored at our facility in
Click here for antenna specs: 11m Vertex Antenna
Just for clarification, this antenna DOES NOT include the following:
Antenna Controller/Positioner
LNA System, or any other RF Electronics
Though this antenna package does not include these parts, please contact us
about obtaining these items, as well as shipping & installation and
For Further Information:
Allen Communications
Monday - Friday
Tel: 562-902-7691